As if to compound the above commentary, the recently defunct World Journal Tribune ran a long article on a new movie to be released sometime in the near future. The headline reads: "Controversy will reign when "The Queen" appears." "The Queen" --according to the columnist is "a film that docu- ments the life of the male transvestite". "This is no small budget, quickly or poorly improvised under- ground movie--says the WJT columnist--in fact some very respectable and experienced talents have lent their services to its production. What's more it's been in preparation for nearly a year. The only underground thing about it is the subject itself."
There follows a description of the recent "beauty pageant" held in New York's Town Hall, which, by the way, was strictly a drag queen affair. From the rest of the article it becomes pretty obvious that the movie has very little, if any, to do with trans-'s all about drag queens. And unfortu- nately, the producers in their abysmal ignorance are attempting to present this to the public as a docu- mentary on transvestites.
So much for the showbiz treatment of TVism... Now back to our world... The feud about slacks and bathing suits is picking up steam... The latest con- tributors have been Diana Joyce (Cover Girl on TVia #42) and Bonnie from Illinois. Bonnie-thank good- ness, takes my side of the argument. Quote: "For my part even when a TV can pass in slacks, I can't imagine why she would want to. I wear pants day after day all week. To wear slacks isn't much of a change. Everything I do or wear must be as feminine as possible." --So thanks for the ammunition, Bonnie. You are a doll.
There is however, a itty bitty bone I'd like to pick in your letter. You say in part: "In the not too distant future, I hope to have a business I can run as a woman. The snag is, after two or three years as a woman, how thin would it wear? After three days, I am very reluctant to take my brother